The famous East African Revival leader and spokesman Bishop Festo Kivengere first preached with Michael Cassidy in the African Enterprise Nairobi Crossroads Mission 1969. He joined African Enterprise in 1969/70 and travelled to the United States of America with Michael in the winter of 1970. Their theme for the ministry tour became 2 Corinthians 5:18: “God has given us the ministry of reconciliation.” Festo co-led African Enterprise with Michael from 1971 to his death in May 1988. He and Michael ministered all over Africa and around the world. His message of forgiveness and reconciliation much influenced Michael.
Bishop Festo Kivengere died in 1988, a number of years after giving extraordinary leadership to the Ugandan nation in its period of recovery after Idi Amin in a programme called “Return” which was supported by African Enterprise.
Recommended Reading:
- I Love Idi Amin: The story of triumph under fire in the midst of suffering and persecution in Uganda
- Revolutionary Love
- When God Moves in Revival
- The Authorised Biography of Festo Kivengere (By Anne Coomes)
- Festo Kivengere (By Frank Retief)
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