Bursting the Wineskins

Michael Cassidy had a growing international ministry. But he also had a growing need – a deeper understanding and experience of the Holy Spirit. Through this newly updated account of Cassidy’s personal quest, he seeks to encourage Christians from many different backgrounds, and explores the close connections between the Holy Spirit, evangelism and social action.
“Michael Cassidy is a bridge-builder who combines evangelistic and sociopolitical concerns and is open to both the ecumenical and the charismatic movements, while retaining his critical judgment about both. I admire his honesty, his courage, his humour, and his independence.” —John Stott
“Never a dull moment! Michael Cassidy is a tonic to one’s heart and a bomb under one’s seat. His readiness to take risks for God makes his book very challenging. I should like to see Bursting the Wineskins widely read.” —J. I. Packer
“This is one of the decade’s most important books. The pilgrimage of an internationally recognized and respected leader will not go unnoticed.” —C. Peter Wagner
“Michael Cassidy’s commitment to peace, reconciliation, and evangelism over many decades makes him one of the foremost Christian authorities on the African continent. In this book he describes his personal spiritual journey as he encounters the power of the Holy Spirit in new ways. It is a story which resonates with honesty and faith.” —Nicky Gumbel