Helpful Reading Material
Articles and Essays
- A Christian View of Jesus for Jewish Consideration, Michael Cassidy
- A Search for Love, Michael Cassidy
- An Agriculturalist and His Faith, Michael Cassidy
- An Invitation to Doubters, Michael Cassidy
- Are Christians Escapists? Michael Cassidy
- Are We Centre of a Cosmic Farce? Michael Cassidy
- Are You a Doubting Thomas? Michael Cassidy
- Becoming a Christian, Michael Cassidy
- Chance or Design, Michael Cassidy
- Christianity and the Marxist Myth, Michael Cassidy
- Christianity Beyond Culture, Don Jacobs
- Christians Follow a Revolutionary, Michael Cassidy
- Close Encounter of the God-Kind, Leighton Ford
- Conversion and New Birth, Michael Cassidy
- Conversion: Its Meaning, Michael Cassidy
- Debating Jesus in an Age of Speculation, Jonathan Wilson
- Escape from Loneliness, Michael Cassidy
- Filling the Void, Pierre Spies
- Frightened of Dying, Michael Cassidy
- From Marxism to Ministry, Nicholas Bhengu
- From Pickpocket to Preacher, Ronald Pillay
- Getting Right at the Centre, Michael Cassidy
- Getting to the Heart of the Whole Matter, Michael Cassidy
- God Speaks Through Mystery, Michael Cassidy
- God, Christians and the World, Tim Nuttall
- Healing Is Relevant Today, Michael Cassidy
- How Faith Came Alive for a Hospital Tutor, Corinthine Neapal
- How Faith Came Alive for a Medical Doctor, A Surgeon Specialist
- How Faith Came Alive for a Political Leader, Graham McIntosh
- How Faith Came Alive for a TV Personality, Wendy Leith
- How Faith Came Alive for a NGK Minister, Piet Meiring
- How to Prevent Suicide, Michael Cassidy
- How True Is the Bible? Leighton Ford
- Is There Life after Birth? Michael Cassidy
- It Happened in History, Michael Cassidy
- John Wesley the Seeker, Michael Cassidy
- Justification by Faith, Michael Cassidy
- Making Space for God, Michael Cassidy
- Nominal Christianity, Michael Cassidy
- Old Lady Knew the Shepherd, Michael Cassidy
- Release from Hatred, Michael Cassidy
- Religious Emotionalism and Reason, Michael Cassidy
- Searchers for Faith, Michael Cassidy
- Seeing the Invisible, Michael Cassidy
- Seek the Source of Healing, Christian Psychologist
- Sentencing Oneself to Life, Michael Cassidy
- The Age of Anxiety, Michael Cassidy
- The Battle for the Mind, Michael Cassidy
- The Beginning of Wisdom, Michael Cassidy
- The Best Attested Fact in History, Michael Cassidy
- The Bible – Symbol of Oppression, John de Grunchy
- The Bible Says, Michael Cassidy
- The Blind See, Michael Cassidy
- The Broken Things of Life, Michael Cassidy
- The Call to Wholeness, David Bosch
- The Christmas Christ, Michael Cassidy
- The Historicity of the Gospels, Edgar Brookes
- The Impossibles of Faith, Saphir Athyal
- The Mystery of Existence, Michael Cassidy
- The Mystery of History, Michael Cassidy
- The Mystery of Suffering, Michael Cassidy
- The Once Wound Clock, Michael Cassidy
- The Personal Challenge of the Gospel, Ernest Baartman
- The Problem of Evil, Michael Cassidy
- The Uniqueness and Divinity of Jesus Christ, Michael Cassidy
- To Be a Marxist–Or Not, Philip Le Feuvre
- Unchanging Truths for Changing Times, Michael Cassidy
- Voyage of Spiritual Discovery, Michael Cassidy
- What is Conversion? 1, Michael Cassidy
- What is Conversion? 2, Michael Cassidy
- When Life Is a Problem of Loneliness, Michael Cassidy
- Why Does God Allow Evil? Michael Cassidy
- Why I Do Not Ask Why, John Tooke