Mission to ‘Maritzburg, South Africa, 1962 ← Cairo, Asyut and Alexandria; Egypt, 1978 Mission to ‘Maritzburg ’75, South Africa, 1975 → Back To Major Citywide...
Cairo, Asyut and Alexandria; Egypt, 1978 ← Debrezeit and Nazareth, Ethiopia, 1995 Mission to ‘Maritzburg, South Africa, 1962 → Back To Major Citywide...
Debrezeit and Nazareth, Ethiopia, 1995 Read Michael Cassidy’s Mission Diary: Sharing Good News in the Land of Sheba ← Ladysmith Mission, South Africa, 1965 Cairo, Asyut and Alexandria; Egypt, 1978 → Back To Major Citywide...
Ladysmith Mission, South Africa, 1965 ← Harare for Jesus, Zimbabwe, 1994 Debrezeit and Nazareth, Ethiopia, 1995 → Back To Major Citywide...
Harare for Jesus, Zimbabwe, 1994 ← Egypt, 2001 Ladysmith Mission, South Africa, 1965 → Back To Major Citywide...