Billy Graham inspired Michael Cassidy regarding evangelism when he preached at Cambridge University in his 1955 mission. Robert Footner, who led Michael to Christ, had himself been converted under Billy Graham’s ministry in Haringey, 1954. Michael received his first clear call to evangelism in Billy Graham’s sixteen-week mission to New York in 1957. Dr. Graham was one of the two major influences in Michael Cassidy’s ministry along with John Stott. Michael and African Enterprise invited Dr Graham to South Africa for the South African Congress on Mission and Evangelism, Durban, 1973, which included the great King’s Park multi-racial rally following the Congress. This was the only time Billy Graham ever came to South Africa. African Enterprise also invited him to Nairobi for the Pan African Christian Leadership Assembly (PACLA) in 1976. Over the years Michael attended a number of Billy Graham’s Evangelistic Outreaches – New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles and St Louis.
Recommended Reading:
- Peace with God: The Secret Happiness
- Just as I am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham
- Hope for the troubled heart: Finding God in the midst of pain
- How to be born again
- Angels
- Billy Graham: Candid conversations with a public man (By David Frost)
- Nearing Home
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