Over a number of decades Mvume Dandala has been one of those Christian leaders who has most loyally supported and encouraged Michael Cassidy and the African Enterprise South Africa ministry. Michael has loved the way his ecumenical spirit combined with an evangelical passion for the Gospel, as well as the country’s sociopolitical well-being, combined to make him one of South Africa’s most holistic and rounded Christian leaders. For many years Michael had dreamed that he might succeed him as leader of African Enterprise South Africa, but Mvume’s commitments and guidance proved to be much more tied in to the formal structures of the Methodist Church, so Michael’s African Enterprise dream for him never came to pass, although he was Chairman of African Enterprise South Africa for quite a number of years. Mvume’s current involvement in theological education and ministerial training thrills Michael especially as Mvume is keen to have his students involved from time to time with African Enterprise South Africa missions, as in the 2014 Mission to the University of Pretoria.