(Stephen Lungu’s Incredible Life Journey) By Tonia Cope Bowley, illustrated by Niko Petropouleas From a Street Kid is a children’s story based on the extraordinary true life-story of Stephen Lungu. As a child Stephen was abandoned by his mother and ended...
(The Amazing Transformation of Stephen Lungu) By Stephen Lungu and Anne Coomes Out of the Black Shadows is the powerful story of one of Africa’s top evangelists, saved from a life on the streets, to testify of God’s grace to change lives. Stephen Lungu...
(Proclamation, Social Service, Healing and Deliverance) By Nii Amoo Darku Nii Amoo Darku, who was the first team member of African Enterprise in Ghana, wrote Total Evangelism to help equip Christians and churches with an essential tool for the ministry of evangelism....
By Nii Amoo Darku According to the Scriptures, God not only know us intimately, but has a plan for each of our lives. It is the responsibility of each of us, therefore, to find out what these are, and to live them out faithfully. This autobiographical book aims to...
(Accra Perspective) By Nii Amoo Darku In Holistic City Evangelism: Accra Perspective Nii Amoo looks at the rapid urbanisation taking place in Accra and many other African cities, and calls the Church to rise up and look beyond its walls at the many issues affecting...
(The Captivating Story of Michael Cassidy and African Enterprise) By Anne Coomes “Like the mighty Zambezi, this story engulfs you in the flow of the Gospel through Africa.” Richard Bewes, Rector of All Souls, London When Michael Cassidy started African Enterprise in...