Michael Cassidy’s professor in Church History at Fuller Seminary, Geoffrey Bromiley, was someone who brought perspective to the complexities and controversies within the history of the Church. An expert on the Reformation, Geoffrey’s great life work was the translation and compilation into an abridged single volume of the famous Kittel’s Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, producing for English readers the excellent and incomparable Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, a worthy addition to any Bible student’s collection. He prayed daily for Michael before he died in 2009.
Recommended Reading:
- Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (edited by Gerhard Kittel and Gerhard Friedrich)—Bromiley translated into English
- Anarchy and Christianity (Author: Jacques Ellul)—Bromiley translated into English
- Systematic Theology volume 1 and 2 (Author: Wolfhart Pannenberg)—Bromiley translated into English
- Church Dogmatics (Author: Karl Barth)—Bromiley and Torrance translated into English
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