African Enterprise has often partnered with large local churches who want to have a focused time of outreach in their congregation and community and invite an African Enterprise team to help. This form of outreach typically happens over a week, from a Saturday to the following Sunday and includes meetings for specific groups during the day, a Men’s Breakfast on the Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon lay leadership training, and evening rallies.

Shorter versions of this model are found in an approach called A Weekend Whirl, which has proven effective and transformative, even though not as comprehensive as the week-long outreach. Another form of outreach that has a wider social impact is the ERRA model – Evangelism, Reconciliation, Renewal and Action. As the name implies this takes the form of seeking to relate the good news of Jesus Christ to the bad news people are experiencing in their context in a practical outcome that flows from evangelism. The Gospel is the fruit that stimulates the growth of good works in society. New believers are discipled by local churches, whose pastors and lay people have been trained in how to effectively disciple them.
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