In the light of Michael Cassidy’s experience of conversion at Cambridge University and his subsequent contact with Francis Schaeffer who established L’Abri as a “Think Tank” for young Christian leaders from universities, he has always found this academic environment to be an important arena for Christian witness and apologetics. The strategy adopted in these missions involves partnerships with people working with students from Christian associations and churches who are already working and witnessing on campus.
The missions often take the form of a seminar or debating platform where the ‘cream of the intelligentsia’ of the university’s thinkers and philosophers are invited to share their perspectives on a range of issues. These may take the form of subjects like “The Big Bang” or “Secular and Christian worldviews” or “Viewpoints on death”. A popular issue is often related to “Sexual Freedom and Restraint”. The gatherings are often enriched by bands and drama or clowning.