In the light of Michael Cassidy’s experience of conversion at Cambridge University and his subsequent contact with Francis Schaeffer who established L’Abri as a “Think Tank” for young Christian leaders from universities, he has always found this academic environment...
“Stratified Evangelism” has been a unique and integral part of the African Enterprise ministry right from the start. It basically means going to where the people are. Although the Lord does miraculous works in the lives of those who attend larger evangelistic...
From early on, African Enterprise saw the importance of school missions. Michael himself had been thoroughly influenced in school, and Festo Kivengere made a commitment to Christ after an evangelist spoke in his school. Furthermore, both leaders realised that the...
African Enterprise’s mission statement is “Evangelising the cities of Africa through word and deed in partnership with the Church.” So while preaching the Gospel is the core of their being, they dare not forget to preach the Gospel in deed as well. African Enterprise...